World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA) was formed in 1958, in USA, to support , Sri Aurobindo's vision of the World Federation and to promote The Constitution for the Federation of the Earth (The Earth Constitution) as the basis of global governance.
" .... Here too India has begun to play a prominent part and, if she can develop that larger statesmanship which is not limited by the present facts and immediate possibilities but looks into the future and brings it nearer, her presence may make all the difference between a slow and timid and a bold and swift development. A catastrophe may intervene and interrupt or destroy what is being done, but even then the final result is sure. For unification is a necessity of Nature, an inevitable movement. Its necessity for the nations is also clear, for without it the freedom of the small nations may be at any moment in peril and the life even of the large and powerful nations insecure. The unification is therefore to the interests of all, and only human imbecility and stupid selfishness can prevent it; but these cannot stand for ever against the necessity of Nature and the Divine Will........ "
(Source: Five Dreams of Sri Aurobindo - English | Auroville )
World Union was formed on 26th Nov 1958 , in Pondicherry and is based on the vision of Sri Aurobindo as mentioned in his 5 dreams " The third dream was a World Union forming the outer basis of a fairer, brighter and nobler life for all mankind"
WCPA is thankful to World Union for all its support since inception.
After two world wars and destruction, citizens of the world thought that the world should unite and for a World Federation with a governance system for the world, in other words a World Government.
Visionaries like Sri Aurobindo, Mahatma Gandhi and many other world leaders thought World Federation and World government is a must. in 1945 World leaders assembled at San Francisco, formed the United Nations under UN Charter.
Citizens of the world soon realised the inadequacy of UN Charter and themselves started working on the Constitution for the Federation of Earth. After 23 long years of hardwork, discussions and deliberations among thousands of world citizens, legal experts, some public representatives as well. The Constitution for the Federation of Earth was ratified and adopted at the second session of the World Constituent Assembly held at Innsbruck, Austria on 26-29 th June 1977.
World based on Non-violent, Democratic human values
* Promote Democratic World Federation
* Promote the Constitution for the Federation of the Earth
*Promote World Peace
*Educate people to be Responsible World Citizens
Source: World Union- Jan 1979
Source: World Union Jan 1979
Sir Arcot Ramaswamy Mudaliar stating India's stand on sovereignty which recognises interdependence of nations.
Source: UNIO-Volume-1-E-F, Page-244, UN Archieve
Source: UNIO-Volume-11-E-F Page:178, UN Archieve
India, which has been the largest democracy of the world is also a democracy based on the principle of "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam"- World is One Family and has withstood many tests of the time. Indian values , inspiration from Sri Aurobindo's vision, not only caused the emergence of "World Union" in India and "WCPA" abroad in 1958 almost in the same time, also have consistently supported the global governance movement in many ways.
Important aspect of this is the introduction of a private member bill in the 6th Lok Sabha by on 20th April 1978 by Sri H V Kamath (Janata Party). Sri Godey Murahari (Congress) was a member of the drafting committee of the Constitution for the Federation of Earth and vehemently supported it in the Indian Parliament. Even World Constitution and Parliament Association , the organisation promoting the Earth Constitution was mentioned in the discussions.
It can be seen how members of political parties with differing ideologies came together in the Indian Parliament to support the cause of "World Government". There were in all 24 members participating in the discussions [Congress:6-Janata Party 11+1 (Law Minister from Rajya Sabha)-CP 2- CPIM 1- AIADMK 1, Ind-2}This shows their commitment to and belief in democratic principles and world governance , irrespective of their political affiliations.
(Picture on the right is snap of the discussions in the lok sabha. Courtesy: Parliament archive)
Second Session of the Provisional World Parliament was held in 1985 at New Delhi, India and was inaguarated by His Excellency Giani Zail Singh, Hon President of India (then) and was presided over by the Lok Sabha Speaker Sri Balram Jakhar. Sir Reinhart Ruge, Prof.Philip Isely officials of WCPA are seen in the picture. Media clip courtesy:
Courtesy: Publications Division: Ministry of I&B Govt of India
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"...the present world situation in its totality, that makes it necessary to have a world constitution, a world parliament and a world government. "
(Across Frontiers 1985)
"I approve the aims and purposes of the Provisional World Parliament and agree to serve as a Honorary Sponsor. The Provisional World Parliament must become a focal point for the radiation of peace, goodwill and humanity all over the world. The peoples of the world must marshal their strength and courage to halt the nuclear race. The alter
"I approve the aims and purposes of the Provisional World Parliament and agree to serve as a Honorary Sponsor. The Provisional World Parliament must become a focal point for the radiation of peace, goodwill and humanity all over the world. The peoples of the world must marshal their strength and courage to halt the nuclear race. The alternative is the destruction of humanity".
(Across Frontiers 1985)
... institutions such as world parliament and the world government would go a long way in eliminating the exclusivism based on race, religion and language."
A historical event of 1985, inaugurated by the then President of India HE Giani Zail Singh
From the Leaders: Prof. Henry Phillip Isley, Mr. Terence P Amerasinghe and Prof. Glen T Martin
An interview with Dr. Shahr-Yar Sharei, Exec Director, CUNCR
An interview with Dr. Glen T Martin
Talk by Prof. P K Dashora
VC, Mangalayatan University, Aligarh
Event was on 15th Sep 2024, organised by World Knowledge Commission, WCPA and its affiliates.
There's much happening under WCPA Banner world over. To see details click the below button. To Join please register, by clicking signup in "Get Involved" section.
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Kamrup Metro Dt, Guwahati- 781022, Assam, India
Admin Office 107/1, MKCS Buildings, Hanumanthanagar, Bangalore-560019
World Citizens!
Sri Aurobindo,The great visionary, in his message on 15th Aug 1947,mentioned about his dream of "World being one family" through a World Federation and He prophesied that India to take lead role in uniting the world as a World Federation.
WCPA promotes a World Federation under the Earth Constitution,celebrated Aug 2024 as "World Federation Month". The response from Global Citizens was phenomenal. In view of this, the period between Sept 2024 to Dec 2025 now will be celebrated as "World Federation Year".