The first meeting of the India Branch of World Constitution and Parliament Association
was held at II :00 A.M. on the 16th of October 1977 in the conference hall of the Y.M.C.A.
youth hostel, New Delhi, when twenty-six persons were present.
Shri Puran Singh Azad, the convener of the India branch, proposed Shri A. B. Patel, the co-president of the World Constitution and Parliament Association, to preside over the meeting. This was seconded by Shri J. C.
Bhardwaj, and Shri Patel took the chair. Shri Azad said it was a matter of great pleasure that the preliminary meeting of the India branch was held under the chairmanship of Shri A. B.Patel, who happens to be the association's co-president.
He further stated that the 16th of October is the birthday of Mr. Philip lsely, secretary general of the World Constitution and Parliament Association, who is the main architect and force behind this marvelous movement,and by the holding of this meeting today we pay a great tribute to this great son of the earth.
On the request of Shri A. B. Patel, Shri Azad moved the following resolution which was adop·
ted with acclamation. "We, the members of the India Committee of the World Constitution
aad Parliament Association, pray for the long life of Mr. Philip Isely, the secretary general of
the association, and wish him many happy returns of the day to enable him to fulfil his ideal
of the formation of the democratic federal world government for which he has dedicated his
The World Constitution and Parliament Association sponsors the Earth Federation
Movement for the ratification of the Constitution for the Federation of Earth. Since 1958, the WCPA has been a leading voice on behalf of democratic world law through its chapters around the world, websites, international seminars, participation in international conferences, dissemination of books and materials, and electronic correspondence.
The Constitution for the Federation of Earth was written through the combined effort and input of hundreds of world citizens, working with international legal minds over a period of 33 years from 1958 to 1991.
At the first Constituent Assembly in Interlaken, Switzerland, they elected a drafting committee of 25 persons. During several months in 1972, five primary authors from this committee completed the first draft. They were Philip Henry Isely (USA), Dr. Terence P. Amerasinghe, International Lawyer from Sri Lanka, Hon. S. M. Hussain from the Supreme Court of Bangladesh, D.M. Spencer, Professor of Law in Mumbai, India, and Dr. Max Habicht, prominent international lawyer from Switzerland.
This draft was then circulated worldwide several times for comments and was then reviewed paragraph by paragraph at the Second Constituent Assembly in Innsbruck, Austria, in 1977. Small changes were again made at the Fourth Constituent Assembly in Troia, Portugal, in 1991.
The Second session of the Provisional World Parliament was held at New Delhi in 1985 and was inaugurated by Giani Zail Singh,President of India.
In the Subsequent years, several conferences,seminars, have been held in India as below:
OPJindal Global University Sonepath, India December 2018
Bangalore, India, 2018
OPJindal Global University Sonepath, India December 2017
Bangalore, India, 2017
MIT Pune, India, December 2016
Bangalore, India, 2016
Kolkata, India 2015
Kanyakumari, South India,2015
Bangalore, India, 2015
Delhi, India, December 2012
Chennai, India, June 2011
Bangalore, India, June 2011
Chennai, India, June 2008
Kolkata, India, January 2005
Lucknow, India, September 2005
Erode in Tamil Nadu, South India, September 2005
Lucknow, India, June 2002
Lucknow, India, June-December, 2002
Chennai, India, December 2002
Team WCPA INDIA, has been growing year on year and soon likely to take the shape of a Global Hub for Developmental and Peace Initiatives. For the last 3 years, India has been hoisting international conference.
Second Provisional World Parliament Session
WCPA Officials interacting with the President of India
WCPA Officials meeting the Prime Minister of India
WCPA Officials meeting the Prime Minister of India
WCPA Distinguished Advisor meeting the President of India
Seventh Provisional World Parliament, December 26-30, 2003, The Palmgrove Hotel, Chennai, India.
THE EIGHTH PROVISIONAL WORLD PARLIAMENT -Hosted by the City Montessori School of Lucknow, India and Sri Jagdish Gandhi, Founder/Manager, between 10-14 August 2004.
Eleventh Session of PWP held in Nainital, India, July 2 to 8, 2009
Twelth Session of PWP held during December 27-31, 2010, Kolkata, India, in various auditoriums at Rabindra Sadan and Sri Aurobindo Bhavan in downtown Kolkata.
The 13th Session of the Provisional World Parliament took place December 14 to 17, 2013 at the World Unity Convention Center in Lucknow, India, hosted by Dr. Jagdish Gandhi and the City Montessori School of Lucknow. Dr. Gandhi, as always, was a gracious and helpful host and supporter of our work.
Fourteenth Session of the Provisional World Parliament was held December 27-29, 2015, Kolkata, India. Hosted by the International Society for Intercultural Study and Research (ISISAR) within a larger international peace conference called:“World Thinkers & Writers Peace Meet,” 27-31 December 27-31, 2015.
1985. Second Session of Provisional World Parliament held New Delhi, India. Opened by President of India, presided by speaker of Lok Sabha (the lower house of the legislature of India)
Dr.Amersinghe Addressing the Gathering at Khatmandu Session
2003. The Seventh Session of the Provisional World Parliament took place in Chennai, India, December 26-30 (organized in cooperation with the Institute On World Problems). The agenda included ratification of the Manifesto for the Earth Federation, enactment of a world criminal court, a penalty classification bill to be used by the new court, conservation standards for World Government records, a bill for the creation of a World Patents Office, and the beginning of work on a Global People's Assembly integrated with the Constitution to ensure popular participation in the coming world government.
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A South India Chapter of WCPA meeting in 2005. The Director of the South India chapter is Mr. Ramanujam Ananthanarayanan, in the dark suit, front row, third from left. Dr. Terence Amerasinghe is front row third from right and Dr. Eugenia Almand is on the right
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
WCPA Annaul Conference at Madras University in 2008
2009 July. The Eleventh Session of the Provisional World Parliament takes place in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram near Nainital, India. Five new world legislative acts were adopted, in addition to extensive amendments to World Legislative Act #34, (formerly entitled "Elimination Protocol"--now entitled "Dismantling Procedure"), and resolutions of the Parliament. Also passed were a bill prohibiting Human Trafficking, a Non-violent Civil Disobedience Act, A Clandestine Operations Prohibition Act, and a UN Integration Act.
2010 December 27-31. The 12th session of the Provisional World Parliament took place in Kolkata, India.
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Audience at a Press Conference for the Grand Global Peace Meet,
Hyderabad, India, Jan. 2015
WCPA International Conference for 2016 was held at MIT Pune.
2017 International Conference was held at OP Jindal Global University
Annual International Conference of WCPA is being held at OP Jindal Blobal University, Sonipath Delhi on Dec 10th and 11th ,2018.
December 10-11, 2019, OPJ, Sonipat, India. Annual International Conference of WCPA is being held at OP Jindal Blobal University, Sonipath Delhi
December 14-17, 2013, Lucknow, India. The 13th Session of the Provisional World Parliament meets. A number of crucial, transformative World Legislative Acts are passed, strengthening the global framework of Provisional World Law.
WCPA all day event: "Challenges to Global Peace" - Jaya Engineering and Technical College, near Chennai, India, June 25, 2011.
2011 Annual conference of WCPA was held at Bangalore.
Academic and Research Institution to study the world problems and find world level solutions.
Forum of World Judges, Academic and Research institution, to study the constitutions of nations, International laws, UN Charter and promote The Constitution for the Federation of the Earth
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World Citizens!
Sri Aurobindo,The great visionary, in his message on 15th Aug 1947,mentioned about his dream of "World being one family" through a World Federation and He prophesied that India to take lead role in uniting the world as a World Federation.
WCPA promotes a World Federation under the Earth Constitution,celebrated Aug 2024 as "World Federation Month". The response from Global Citizens was phenomenal. In view of this, the period between Sept 2024 to Dec 2025 now will be celebrated as "World Federation Year".